The most controversial in skateboarding history has finally happened. Grant Yansura's WKND Skateboards cashed in by collaborating with a rollerblade company Them Skates.
According to Them Skates' official Instagram account, their video premier with WKND was a hit. Still, the independent skateboard company didn't acknowledge the post or provide any information about collaborating with rollerblading.
On the other hand, WKND professional skateboarder Jordan Taylor mentioned in his Out There Thrasher interview that he has been watching all action sports, such as rollerblading, scootering, and biking.
Taylor also met up with a scooter kid named Devin to have a skate sesh and see if the spots would also be skatable with scooter riders since sometimes, the insane spots for scooter kids are the same as street skateboarders.
Since Taylor owned a brand called Lossey, it includes a rollerblader in its video. It's not just a skateboard company but rollerbladers as well.
The new generation of skateboard brands might include scooter kids and rollerblading after WKND opened the doors for them to collaborate with core skateboarding.