Red Bull DIY is now in the Philippines to invigorate the Filipino skaters and local skateboarding community to support us build our dream skate spots in our country. Red Bull would like to give back for the development and growth of the DIY skate scene - sponsoring skatepark projects, letting the beginners and experienced skateboarders pursue their skills and abilities, and especially creativity on how to build an actual spot.
The Red Bull DIY team competition is from August 17th until August 23rd so the participating crews should submit their DIY skate spot designs. Only 15 team proposals will only be selected with a budget that must be used for the construction setup. There would be only 13 days for setup build with a 1-minute online video entry that is showcasing the tricks on the skate spot created by the crews. Since we Filipinos are very creative of course we will do our best to win.
Margielyn Didal who is the Asia and 2x SEA Games Gold Medalist will be picking the top 5 teams to receive additional funds to help realize their DIY skate spot’s potential. Thrasher Magazine’s 2017 Skater of the Year, Jamie Foy on the other hand will be the one to determine and also announce it as well for the final placements.
The Solo Competition will be announced shortly after the final placements of the Team Competition are announced.
If you are a skate rat dedicated to bolstering the skateboarding community why not join now for us to have a better skate spot in the Philippines. Registrations officially open on Monday, August 17th, 2020 so what are you waiting for? Register now and don't forget to tag @redbullph and use #redbullDIY as your hashtag.