Mystery Skateboards professional skateboarder Luis "Moose" De Los Reyes claimed that his gnarly fakie frontside flip trick down a massive stairs was left out of the Deathwish video when he used to be on the Baker Boys Distribution umbrella because The Boss Andrew Reynolds had already done a half cab flip on the same spot.
According to Moose, someone had told him that Reynolds didn't want his trick in the video and therefore, they sent the clip to the Bones Team Manager to be used in the friends section, instead on his Deathwish skate video part.
Although Moose was not sure if this was true, he was disappointed that his clip was not included in his part in the video.
Moose stated, "So I originally wanted to use this clip in my Deathwish part, but someone had told me that Reynolds didn't want it in the video because he had already done a half cab flip on the same spot. They sent the clip to the Bones Team Manager for the friends section instead. I was pretty bummed they didn't save it for my part at the time. Oh well, lol."