Skateboarding legend Erik Ellington has turned the streets of Los Angeles with a riveting scavenger hunt that leads to keys unlocking the gateway to ComplexCon's first-ever Human Recreational exhibit.
Taking to social media, Ellington posted the challenge, "LA Folks, I've hidden 5 keys around Los Angeles. Each key is a pass (day of your choice) for a pair of tickets to ComplexCon to check out my first Human Recreational Services exhibit."
He added. "One lucky key will unlock a bespoke pair of limited edition Human Recreational Services shoes at ComplexCon. First location is at the Safari Inn, details in video."
Stay tuned to Ellington's social media stories at 11 am tomorrow, Wednesday the 15th, as he drops the locations for the remaining keys.
Get your boards ready and join Ellington in this high-stakes sneaker extravaganza exhibit as he transforms Los Angeles into the ultimate skate spot.