Street League Skateboarding has released the second episode of their new segment, "Junk In The Trunk," where pro skaters show their car trunks to see what they have been hiding inside their vehicle's primary storage.
Their special guest, Thank You Skate Co head honcho Torey Pudwill shares what's inside his cargo compartment.
SLS wrote. "T-Puds' hurt ankle means time off the board, but also time out of the car, find out with him what kind of junk he has laying around in his trunk."
Some of the junk in T-Puds' car were rubbished materials that he and some of his friends left which he didn't mind letting stay in the compartment. "A lot of garbage, dude, to tell you the truth," Pudwill said.
Watch the video below to check out how Pudwill cleans his trunk and explain some of the things he left.