Everyone is talking about NFT. What the actual f--k is NFT? Well, NFTs are cryptographic assets on blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other. For us skateboarders, we just care about skateboarding and we just want to watch skate videos and learn new tricks. The definition itself of NFT is already confusing.
NFT stands for "Non-fungible Token" it can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files. It is a unique cryptographic token that exists on a blockchain and cannot be replicated.
When you buy an NFT it sort of turns you into the guy who bought Wu-Tang Clan’s Once Upon a Time in Shaolin - you can also sell it like many cryptocurrency tokens and it operates on Etherium blockchain and is stored in a digital wallet.

If you are still confused on what the hell is NFT, the basic explanation is it's like buying a skin from a game. Whenever you want to upgrade a weapon, costume to look good, or buying a PS4 downloadable content, it's kind of the same as buying a Non-fungible Token.
Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk has also jumped on the NFT craze and skateboarding videos or maybe a video part ender may likely be sold as an NFT soon. Pro skaters, skate filmers and skate photographers are also going to benefit from it in the long run as they could potentially profit through a piece of the tricks they have created.

If you want more information about NFT kindly read the BBC article here.