Grindcore veterans Napalm Death has released a new gnarly single, "Narcissus."
The band also announced an upcoming mini-album called "Resentment is Always Seismic - a final throw of Throes," coming out on February 11, 2021, via Century Media Records.
A press release calls the offering “a partner recording to” last year’s Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism.
"‘Narcissus’ just seemed to fit the bill as one of those rampaging tracks that we always seem to gravitate towards as an album opener." Barney Greenway said. "The low-slung concrete mixer bassline at the start really ushers it in nicely. It was written at a time when the ‘alt-right’ was parading itself around, so lyrically I like to think it exposes the vanity and personality cult of that whole thing."

Resentment Always Simmers
By Proxy
People Pie” (Slab! cover)
Man Bites Dogged
Slaver Through a Repeat Performance
Don’t Need It” (Bad Brains cover)
Resentment is Always Seismic (Dark Sky Burial Dirge)