Gnarly professional skateboarder Ronnie Sandoval has been featured on Thrasher magazine's segment "My War" due to his chaotic drop to the bank.
The 28-year-old was in attacking mode at his best in the skate spot. But on his first day, he wasn't sure how to approach the drop.
"I don't know if I just try to ollie it or just jump off of it. So that's what I did. I jumped off of it rolled down the bank. I know it wasn't that bad but, I don't want to hurt myself." Sandoval said.
Despite how steep it is, the San Pedro, California native persevered in the unhappy attempt to reverse the fortunes of war.
The Van's team manager told Sandoval that some skaters were checking out the spot but, he wanted to own it until they kept going back to film.
"I just didn't want someone to try it knowing that I bitched out." He said.
Although clear in the title race for the first one to nail the trick, Sandoval has drawn his last days with a jacket and gloves for protection. He was fortunate enough to have friends supporting him through all the hard work he put in.
The goofy-footed badass is also part of the SOTY contenders which he has a chance to attain the trophy for this year's king of kings.
Watch Sandoval's "My War" below, and make sure to share it on your social media to spread the word of him being the Skater of The Year.