The Living Wage for Musicians Act aims to increase streaming royalties paid to artists by establishing a new royalty fund that would pay artists directly, bypassing labels.
Which means skater rappers, undergorund metal bands and other independent artits are highly like will have an increase of payment with their hard work.
The fund would increase artist royalties to one penny per stream, up from fractions of a penny currently.
The bill proposes adding a fee of 50% of the subscription price to every streaming subscription to partially fund the additional royalty payments.
The bill would also establish a royalty cap for tracks that generate at least 1 million streams per month, with royalties generated by the tracks beyond that number to be divided among all artists.
Streaming services and top labels are likely to support only some of the changes proposed by the bill, and the RIAA may challenge the provision that would see artists paid directly from the fund rather than through the labels themselves.