Skateboarding legend Duane Peters stated that he supports former President Donald Trump but recently admitted that he did not vote for him because going along with the mainstream is not very punk rock.
The punk movement is known for its anarchist political philosophy, which questions the legitimacy of all forms of authority and aims to dismantle institutions that promote unnecessary coercion and hierarchy, such as nation-states and capitalist systems.
According to the Brief History of Punk Rock and Presidential Politics by Consequence, punk bands such as Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys, Crass, The Clash, and other old-school punks positioned themselves as a rejection of political idealism from the outset.
Consequence also charted punk's proud tradition of exposing presidential b*llshit. Punks often viewed political idealism, which involves striving for a perfect or ideal society based on certain political principles, as something to reject or oppose.
Punktuation Mag also noted that bands such as Anti-Flag, Pennywise, and other punks are anti-authority to the core. They presented a challenge to those in charge.

Being punk is primarily concerned with individual freedom and anti-establishment views, including individual liberty, anti-authoritarianism, a DIY ethic, non-conformity, anti-corporatism, anti-government, direct action, and not "selling out."
On the other hand, Peters never sold his soul to corporations and stayed true to the skate-punk lifestyle even though he became broke. He didn't give a f*ck as a true last skate punk alive.
Peters took to social media recently and gave his thoughts on the election. Despite being a Donald Trump supporter, the former U.S. Bombs frontman expressed that the politicians are all the same.
He stated that the elections are rigged and the voting machines breaks. "If you are punk rock, do the opposite what they are telling us to do. Who are they? The majority," he said, "The majority are probably on the wrong side."
After all the ranting about politics, blaming Alexa for replacing dads and moms leaving California, Peters admitted that he just couldn't vote for Trump because he believes that the majority are on the wrong side.
Peters stated that once Trump won the first election, he then lost the second one. "Looks like a plan to me."
The 62-year-old advised everyone to wake up and blamed the illegals who went to the United States and stole the culture that has been gone. "They came for our culture that's gone."
"There is no two sides." He explained, "It's just them and they control the opposing side. That's called controlled opposition."
Peters posted, "I Remember even the 2nd time around I was still backing up @realdonaldtrump till the …… #jab thing he was making at #warpedspeed blah blah cut to fact that HIM/HER/IT IS A #demon along with #man #melaniatrump HOLE FAM INCLUDING #ivanka hi-EL HI-TELLER."