In the latest episode of Vice's iconic skateboarding documentary series Epicly Later'd, it featured an in-depth look at Anthony Van Engelen's incredible career.
As the co-founder of FA/Hockey, AVE has made a huge impact on the skateboarding world before the company became a hit.
The episode chronicles AVE from a young skater to an industry icon, showcasing his talent, hard work, and uncompromising dedication to his craft on and off the board.
Despite his past addiction to doing acid with fellow pro skateboarder Fred Gall, AVE turned his life around but it wasn't easy.
Even Jason Dill admitted to not doing coke with AVE back when they were young bucks due to his aggressive behavior and said he is like a Hulk when on drugs.
Stream the video below, and don't forget to share it with your friends on social media. Enjoy!