FA World Entertainment and Hockey Skateboards co-founder Anthony Van Engelen has been skating professionally for the Off The Wall brand Vans since 2005.
Vans has honored AVE's legacy with the launch of his new, cutting-edge skate shoe, called "AVE 2.0."
With his dedication to pushing forth gnarly street spots, providing opportunities to sponsor the new generation of skaters, and killing it, AVE is a true legend in the industry.
The 46-year-old stayed loyal to Vans, and the company released a collective insane video of parts from AVE By skating for Vans for 19 years and counting.
Stream the video below, and don't forget to share it with your friends on social media. Enjoy!
Featuring footage from Greg Hunt, Cody Green, Benny Maglinao, Jared Sherbert, Jonathan Flechas & William Strobeck.
Edited by: Benny Maglinao
Artist: Highway Men
Song: Silver Stallion
Label: Sony Music
Entertainment/Publishing Artist: Fred Myrow and Malcom Seagrave
Song: Mineshaft Chase
Label: Silva Screen