All OG skateboarder knows how self-critical Jamie Thomas is when it comes to skateboarding in a good way as he has an inner voice that speaks with intensity to keep improving himself further. The living skateboarding legend has done it all and he never quits whether it's a business venture, skating huge handrails, traveling, etc.
In the recent episode of Richie Valdez’s extremely interesting documentary series "The Other Side." Jamie Thomas shows his entrepreneurship skills with a bunch of nostalgia carved in his past skateboarding career. All of the rare decks, photos, and even his accolades were shown on the video. The "Garage Days Collection" recapitulates Zero skateboards' history items together with the chief's incomparable skateboarding career memorabilia.
Thomas explains how he managed to collect and saved all of his skate materials into making them as collector's items. He also mentioned that he is in a purging situation where he wanted to just leave it all behind for skate collectors to enjoy.
Before the end of the video showing all the collections, Thomas mentioned that one of the top 5 highlights of his career was the impossible to frontside 50-50 in the Clipper spot. He said "I was almost 40 when I did that. I realize that in 40 most people aren't really pushing their pro careers." Thomas added. "It's weird to have a highlight that late but all that stuff's a blessing, that doesn't want me to keep chasing it, it's just that desire has to come from within and if it's not there then I'm not trying to fake it I'm not really doing that dangerous these days."
The chief is not continuing to live in the past anymore which he fell victim to that for a long time. He struggled with an identity that the more he stayed in the van and kept staying on missions the more he tries to think deeper of what he should do to emulate his abilities. He said, "I kept putting pressure on myself to feel like I should be filming tricks and I should be filming video parts and I don't think it's healthy for me to put that type of pressure on myself."
Thomas used to be able to balance both when he was younger but now he is just trying to enjoy skating and just stay in touch on why he skates in the first place which is "skateboarding is all about having fun" and keeps reminding himself all the time. He also said that if he can stay in the thinking of just have fun skateboarding then he will die a happy man.