Thank you skateboards pro Torey Pudwill and Thrasher magazine's Skater Of The Year 2014 Wes Kremer head toe to toe on the only game show where skateboarding makes cents, "Foooour Wheels Live!."
Originally aired on March 1, 2017, the game show needed some love and it's finally getting the views it deserves.
The two pro skaters had strong skating skills and finished the show with an impressive performance. Co-host Brook Sydney on the other hand showed that she is also a skateboarder with her impeccable going up the mini quarter pipe and smooth kickflip.
Creative director Erik Bragg did a great job on creating a very entertaining skateboarding game show "Foooour Wheels Live!" that no one has ever tried.
This is the first time that all the skateboarders in the world have enjoyed a diverting game show. With Thomas Lyons, a true skater at heart started a petition on change.org to attempt to make Street League Skateboarding create more episodes of FOOOOUR WHEELS LIVE!.
Watch the video below and don't forget to like, subscribe and ring the bell on the SLS official YouTube channel for us to get more episodes in the future here.