The Boonies CEO and professional skateboarder Tim Pool had to make sure that haters knew that he had been a core skater since day one and a true OG in the game.
Pool is not just a rich kid - he worked hard to achieve his goals, kept skating the streets, and built his own private and public skatepark.
While Gifted Hater and the Gifries are hating online, Pool has no time for fake news and shares his old skate clips showcasing his gnarly skills from 21 years ago.
Pool posted, "One of Youtubes oldest videos is of me skateboarding. Less than a year in @brettnovak Brett Novak uploaded a video of me from 2003.
It's time to cut out the haters and the gatekeepers from skateboarding. #skateboarding is for everyone, even the clout chasers and weirdo activists so long as they stop trying to tell people who is allowed to skate.
Haters, you can't win. It's already over for you. #skateboard"