Red Bull's digital skateboarding competition Sōlus has been launched with their very own team rider Ryan Sheckler who has welcomed twelve insane skateboarders to compete with him in his private skate park.
The new digital skate contest Sōlus which is derived from the Latin word "alone or unaccompanied" is all about shredding Sheckler's personal park for an hour to shoot their doppest 45-second run; the digital skate contest is similar with The Berrics series "Run and Gun" from 2013 which competitors have 24 hours to film their 1-minute runs. The winner will be announced on September 27, 2020, and a fan favorite will be chosen, based on votes on September 30, 2020.
What's good about the digital skate contest is that Red Bull will be giving back to our local skate shops - during these difficult times a lot of the retail sector has struggled due to the COVID-19 global pandemic and our local skate shops are no exception. Red Bull Sōlus will be giving the skate contestants a chance to give back as well with $2,500 for them to donate to the skate shop of their choice.
Watch all Sōlus skateboarding entry below and visit Red Bull's website for more information.