USA Slalom Skateboarding proudly introduces Judi Oyama, a 63-year-old skateboarding sensation, as a member of the 2024 USA Slalom Skateboarding Team.
Oyama is set to represent the United States with her remarkable skills at the upcoming 2024 World Skate Games in Rome.
Oyama's journey to the World Skate Games is nothing short of remarkable.
Her stellar performance at the World Championships, the USA Team qualifier, has secured her coveted ticket to Rome.
This achievement attests to her dedication, passion, and relentless pursuit of excellence in skateboarding.
Notably, the top 20 women in both rankings at the end of 2023 are prequalified for the World Games.
With Oyama's impressive performance, she has earned her spot and set a new standard for skateboarding enthusiasts of all ages.