Welcome to social media where you will find trolls, judgments, people who like to show off to go broke, and other fake life posts.
The toxic mindset on all social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok has pushed everyone to fight for likes, comments, views, and praises.
There's a study that the psychological effects of likes, comments, and shares are proving detrimental to the mental health of the general population. Facebook makes you unhappy and makes jealous people sad.
Social media allows everyone to share their daily lives, but it is also being used to criticize, bully, and belittle others just to make them feel good about their skating. Sometimes that leads to depression and in extreme cases, suicide.
People use social media to vent about anything and everything. So don't let social media fool you to be a professional skateboarder right away because no one is posting about their failures on the internet.
At the end of the day, it is your choice if you want to follow toxic people on the internet. It is also your choice to balance and try to promote positivity with gratifying and quality skateboarding clips.
Being a professional skateboarder takes time. If you only focus on skating and unfollow negative people that try to pull others down - it will also help you in the long run about achieving your goals.