Unlike other metal bands, George CorpseGrinder Fisher is the most likable metalhead in the universe and is not ashamed of celebrating the holiday season with friends and family.
Extreme metal is considered taboo for Christmas, New Year, or even celebrating birthdays as they are not edgy enough.
CorpseGrinder posted. "Christmas got here early on the Cannibal Corpse tour bus! My man True believeraz, myself, and Santa teamed up and bought gifts for everyone on the bus!!! Stacy Alourdas-Fisher made the stockings! I can’t wait for everyone to open their gifts after the show tonight here in Indianapolis!!!"
The portrayal image of an evil musician should be taken seriously, or fans will see them as weak individuals.
CorpseGrinder's lyrics are way more ferocious than conventional pop songs. Hence, fans still backed the Cannibal Corpse frontman even though he has a soft side in traditional celebrations like the holidays.
While Cannibal Corpse is one of the most brutal metal bands in the universe, CorpseGrinder is not afraid to admit that Christmas is the season of giving and metal shows are for entertainment.
It may sound counterintuitive. However, the 52-year-old is just being himself and expressing that someone can be violent in lyrics but can have a sweet side.