In case you’re already itching to skate streets, you might want to consider watching David Gravette on a new video regarding the worst skatepark ever.
Bronson Speed Co spent a day with the 34-year-old pro skater to check out some worst skate spots if they are still skateable.
Gravette began tardily and gave the spot a try before hitting his groove but, the sketchy park was wet due to the rain.
Despite the hideous overall look of how the skatepark was constructed, the goofy-footed handrail monster assured fans that tricks are still doable, thanks to his skillset.
"They really went for it over here, and they just kind of gave up on the other end." He said.
Few athletes can boost such a varied sporting resume, but the down-to-earth Issaquah Washington native has taken it in his stride.
Watch the video below, and don't forget to subscribe to Bronson Speed Co if you haven't already. Enjoy!