Jenkem magazine spent the day with professional skateboarders Brandon Turner and Brandon Novak to skate around New York City during National Recovery Month.
September is a national observance held to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the emergence of a proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and community members across the nation who make a recovery in all its forms possible.
After many years of addiction, Turner and Novak were finally able to get clean. They shared their recovery story and helped others find sobriety in life.
The new video aims to encourage everyone to do better, skate and have fun as long as they don't hurt themselves or anyone.
The two cruised around the streets of New York and fired some incredible tricks on the natural manual pads, and headed to the courthouse.
Turner almost had the nollie backside flip down the insane drop but was cut short.
"My ego is a little hurt because I didn't roll away completely, but for me, I feel like skateboarding is the best life lesson because it's not like, if you're going to fall, it's when you're going to fall and how to fall and what you're going to do when you get back up," Turner said.
The ending is quite heartbreaking as Novak explained how hard they tried to help Bam Margera and how they will keep continuing to assist their friend recover from substance abuse.
Watch the video below, and if you ever find yourself or your loved ones in a position where you feel like there is nobody to talk to, remember they are now available to you, and help is only a call away to this number (858) 249-9033.