Beatrice Domond, a standout athlete for FA World Entertainment, unveiled her impressive transition from a signature 50-50 front shuv to a breathtaking "5-0 to tailslide shuv out."
Her inspiring feat was showcased in the new Vans "Keepsake" video, directed by the talented Shari White.
Although YouTube sensation Gifted Hater has been criticizing her ability on the board, the fashion model upgraded her tricks with other mind-blowing firing lines, hippie jump, backside noseslide shuv out, kickflip manual, and other gnarly maneuvers.
In the face of criticism from Gifted Hater and other naysayers, Domond's dedication to her craft remains determined.
She rises above the noise, letting her skateboarding speak for itself.
With each new trick, she proves that she's not just a fashion model turned skateboarder but a legitimate force to be reckoned with in the world of professional skateboarding.
Stream the Vans Presents "Keepsake" video below, and don't forget to share it with your friends on social media. Enoy!