Barrier Kult propaganda has released their newest member GAUZED INVISIBLE TERROR REIGN'S tormented full part via their official Instagram account.
Canada’s oldest skateboard company Skull Skates posted. "G.I.T.R. is newest Kultist and he’s been murdering Vancouver altars in order to bring you his introduction full length rituals. Seldom seen unless MASKED, this bandaged addition to the KULT has been terrorizing everything in and out of the unholiest of sights."
With a blasphemous track from the band called Death Worship, G.I.T.R. provides villainous transition skateboarding full of technical backside tailslide to nose grab shuvit out, massive backside airs, and other out-of-this-world tricks.
PERMAFROST and DEER MAN OF DARWOODS spearheaded a couple of insane barrier skateboarding to amplify their infamous video.
Watch the catastrophes below, and don't forget to share the video with your friends on social media to spread the darkness.