Swedish melodic death metal pioneers AT THE GATES unveiled their new full-length album "The Nightmare Of Being." The debut album is set to be released on July 2, 2021, via Century Media Records.
AT THE GATES vocalist Tomas Lindberg Redant states. "The overall theme deals with the topic of pessimism, and I have been diving deep down in pessimistic philosophers. Trying to understand this way of looking at the world." He said. "It is not a negative album, more a gateway into new ideas for me personally, trying out different perspectives. You could call the album an introduction to pessimism as a concept, I guess. It is a very dark album, but not negative.”
Musically The Nightmare Of Being unveils a newly liberated and adventurous AT THE GATES with some of the bravest and most mesmerizing material they have ever written. Redant adds, “It still sounds like AT THE GATES, 100 percent. It is just more of everything.”

The Nightmare Of Being Tracklist:
1. Spectre of Extinction
2. The Paradox
3. The Nightmare of Being
4. Garden of Cyrus
5. Touched by the White Hands of Death
6. The Fall into Time
7. Cult of Salvation
8. The Abstract Enthroned
9. Cosmic Pessimism
10. Eternal Winter of Reason
AT THE GATES Tour Dates:
23.-26.06.2021 Nummijärvi (Finland) - Nummirock Metal Festival
07.-10.07.2021 Ballenstadt (Germany) - Rock Harz Festival
15.-17.07.2021 Gävle (Sweden) - Gefle Metal Festival
15.-18.07.2021 Anyksciai (Lithuania) - Devilstone Festival
25.-31.07.2021 Tolmin (Slovenia) - MetalDays
29.-31.07.2021 Wacken (Germany) - Wacken Open Air