Ever wonder how to frontside tailslide? Well, here's your chance to learn how to land the trick in under 3 minutes.
YouTuber and skateboarder Dale Decker shows you how it's done with a clear and concise trick tip for you to land it perfectly.
Since tailslide is one of the gateways to an entire world to technical skating. Luckily, it is also one of CCS' own Dale Decker's favorite tricks to do.
Learn more as Dale teaches you every step of the way so you can learn Tailslides the right way the first time.
"just like any other trick, you're going to want to approach the obstacle at which you're going to tailslide at a slight angle," Decker says. "Too much of an angle is bad. You don't want too much of an angle. You're turning into this 90."
He said. "So slight angle and be as parallel as you can so when you get into the trick, the momentum carries you forward. The more of an angle you're at, the more momentum you lose. There it was, that's what I was trying to say."
He also explains the foot placement. "It's pretty simple." He said. "I keep my feet a little closer together when I'm doing tailslides just to get the back end up over and into the ledge, just ollie foot placement really. That's it just slightly closer together. slightly more narrow."
He continued. "So when I approach this trick. I kind of already have my shoulders turned before I even pop approaching the ledge. I open up my shoulders just before I pop and then when you pop follow with your hips so you want to open up your hips with your shoulders. So if you're going to come out regular, what you're going to want to do is once your hips are opened up you want to keep your shoulders parallel with your hips."
"So you want to be on the ball of your foot on the tail, try not to drag your heel, it's ok if it does, it's not that big of a deal but most of the time if you're dragging your heel you're going to hear that squeaking. He explains. "that's not really like to stop you or affect you. Actually, you can even use that as a safeguard for learning the trick if you want to place half of your foot on the box like have your heel on the box and the ball of your foot on the tail."
Watch the video below to know more and see the actual footing and body movement. make sure to support CCS and Decker by liking and subscribing on their official YouTube channel here.