The Red Bull DIY 2020 program has helped the skateboarding community in the Philippines and has supported the development of the Filipino skaters' spots and obstacles as well as showcasing everyone's creativity and aptitude in skating. After the top 5 teams were picked - the Red Bull DIY 2020 solo competition is now open to all Filipino skaters to further support the DIY skate spots development and growth nationwide.
We spoke to one of the marketing guys in Red Bull Philippines on how the solo skate contest works.
"This will allow all skaters within the PH to sign up and get the chance to skate at one of the Top 17 DIY skate spots, depending on their location." The marketing guy said. "They will then produce a 60-second video edit which will then lead to an online voting system to find the Top 10 skaters."
"Once the Top 10 skaters are chosen, they'll get a budget to develop a new obstacle at their representing DIY skate spot and produce a "Best Trick" vid on their new obstacle." The marketing guy continued. "Jamie and Margie will then determine the Top 5 placements to conclude the entire DIY project. The Top 5 will also earn more support to develop their spot."
The 1st set begins on October 2nd – 10th and 2nd round will start on October 16th, 2020, so if you are a skate rat and very competitive when it comes to skating then you should definitely join the digital skateboarding contest now. For more information please visit Red Bull's website here.