Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk happily announced his back on board last April until he eventually got the confidence to keep skating.
Hence, with all his positive thinking and strength to skate vert again, the doctors told him the terrible news about his broken femur.
Hawk posted. "I was dreaming when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray: last week I got confirmation of news that I have been dreading for while now: my femur never fully connected at the fracture site (non-union and varus angulation as they say in the biz) and has only grown further apart on one side of my leg. "
"To all of the people saying I got back on my skateboard too soon and was pushing too hard with my early recovery, especially my dear wife: you were absolutely correct." He said. "I was too cavalier in my approach to skating shortly after my injury, ignoring all warning signs - pain, mostly - and ended up shifting the bone placement that never allowed it to fuse properly."
"I don't blame anybody but myself for this major setback, and I would turn back time if it was a viable option." Hawk explained. "So I go back in for surgery next week to have my bone repositioned in hopes that it will heal properly this time around."
He added. "I am thankful to get a "do-over" of sorts, and hopeful that I can make a fuller recovery this time by having more patience and less expectations. The silver lining to this disappointing news is that I was able to do a lot of skating (and some advanced tricks) without a solid bone to stand on; I should be able to do a lot more with a fully formed femur."
"It's gonna be a slow, delicate process in the coming months but I plan to emerge stronger, wiser and more thankful than ever, He mentioned. "Swipe to see the irony of the last trick I [re]learned before finding out that I'll be starting over: a *literal* boneless one."