Toy Machine head honcho and 2016 skateboarding Hall OF Famer Ed Templeton has been doing art since the inception of his skateboard company, taking photos, crafting artworks, and other prolific board graphics.
The 49-year-old contemporary artist takes you inside his man cave to show his creative side in Thrasher magazine's "Create and Destroy."
Tempster's paintings are unmistakable, from his early skateboard graphics to career-spanning photo books, skate zines, and selected exhibitions were beyond nectar from his teenage years up until turning fifty this year.
When he was a young buck, he wanted to be a pro and make his own board graphics, but when the time came, he wasn't sure what to do because he was not an artist yet at eighteen years of age.
"I didn't know what I was doing, but I still wanted to do my own graphics." He said.
After working on his board graphic, he knew it was not as good as the other boards when he turned pro.
"If I overthought it, like is this good enough, and held it up to the standard, I might be crippled by that thought. Templeton said. "I knew it was shitty but, I still put it out there because, for me, the overarching goal is, I want to do my own graphics no matter what and, I have to start somewhere."
Templeton said that he never went to art school and did his own way of making art with his imagination and self-taught.
He also showed his next project, documenting what it's like to be a professional skateboarder in this time period, in which he said that it was a daunting task to do since there were more than thousands of images by fitting in a book. Hence, it will be published this 2022, he said.
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